Snitch: A Story of HOPE & a community uniting

In the picturesque community of Pierre Van Ryneveld, there’s a story that warms the heart and demonstrates the incredible power of unity and compassion. It’s a “tail” about a furry friend named Snitch, an eight-year-old mixed-breed dog, whose journey from despair to hope has captivated the entire community.

Snitch’s story begins as a young pup, found near a billboard close to the N1 highway. She was a pitiful sight, underweight and utterly terrified of humans. Any raised hand would send her cowering or fleeing in fear. However, fate had a different plan for Snitch when one of the workers at the billboard took her under his wing.

This kind-hearted soul began sharing his food with Snitch, sometimes just a humble meal of mielie pap, other times some meat from his plate. Despite her initial fears, Snitch never left his side and soon became a cherished member of the Pierre Van Ryneveld Community.

Waggable Training and Behaviour, in collaboration with the Pierre Van Ryneveld Lost and Found Animal group, Seek Security and the CPF JOC, found Snitch on the road scavenging for food. She was underweight, infested with ticks and fleas, and desperately in need of help. The community rallied together after seeing a picture of this lost soul on various community groups. Cheryl Wehrhahn from Waggable Training and Behaviour sprang into action, with the assistance of the local marketing company, V4 Marketing, by posting community pleas for donations for Snitch.

The response was nothing short of heartwarming. The community opened their hearts and wallets, providing food, a kennel, dewormer, and remedies for ticks and fleas. But why such an outpouring of support for Snitch? Because Snitch wasn’t just a pet; she was a working dog for the community.

The land around the billboard bordered on houses in Pierre Van Ryneveld, and Snitch took it upon herself to assist the local CPF JOC and security companies to ensure no illegal activities, such as littering or illegal dumping, took place and no squatters settled on the land. She became the eyes and ears of the community, diligently watching over its safety.

Cheryl, from Waggable visited Snitch daily, regardless of weather conditions, to fill up her water bowls and provide her with food. With time, patience, and plenty of treats, Cheryl developed a bond of trust with Snitch. This bond blossomed into a beautiful friendship, and Snitch thrived on the love and care she received.

However, tragedy struck on Saturday the 4th of May. There was an attempted break-in at the billboard, and Snitch was kicked by the intruders. Cheryl noticed Snitch losing her appetite and becoming increasingly withdrawn. Concerned for her well-being, Cheryl reached out to the owner of the billboard, Mr. Daryl Hardy from CityGates, who gave permission to take Snitch to the local Pierre Van Ryneveld Veterinary Clinic.

The veterinary team faced a challenging task. Snitch was not accustomed to people, buildings, or other dogs. Nevertheless, Dr. Tumi and the team at Pierre Van Ryneveld Veterinary Clinic went above and beyond to help Snitch. She was diagnosed with severe mastitis, possibly caused by a cyst that had burst due to the kick. Her temperature was a concerning 40.5 degrees, but with expert care, she underwent successful surgery and was taken back home on the 8th of May.

As Snitch continues her recovery journey, she serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for the entire community. Her story reminds us of the incredible power of unity and compassion. It’s a testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together to support one of its own.

Donations for Snitch can be dropped at Seek Security, 78 Van Ryneveld Ave, Pierre van Ryneveld Park, Centurion, 0157